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About Us

Doll To China (Dollto-china) is well-known for its great services, timely response and the rich knowledge about the products we carry. We understand purchasing a doll is a big investment for our customers, that's why all the dolls are authentic, we don't sell fake dolls, on top of that, all the information related to your orders will be discreet, your privacy is our first priority. Most of the brands we carry are China based, Doll To China can be the perfect bridge between you and the manufacturers. We've built a tight relationship with most of the Chinese sex doll manufacturers the other vendors are not able to match, we'll help you collect all the information you need to make your decision and we'll also help deal with all the unexpected issues, our mission is to bring you the easiest and most professional shopping experience.

We've been in the sex doll business for over 9 years, we not only represent brands like WM, SANHUI, Piper Doll and Irokebijin, we've been selling Doll-forever and Piper Doll since day one, they both went on to become two of our best partners, they would share their ideas with us and pick our brain as well, that's an example of how we interact with the manufacturers, it's beyond business, we're close friends, we want to offer our customers the best products and services available, if an unexpected issue happens, we'll work together immediately to solve it, that's why we've become one of the most popular vendors. It's true that we spend a lot of our resources promoting brands like Doll-forever, Piper Doll and DollHouse168, they're great and fun to work with, no question about it, we've been working together for years, it's unethical for us not to promote their products, since we also know how much time and effort went into each of their products, their success is not a coincidence. At the meantime, we also help new brands like Aotume, Future Doll and Startpery promote their brands and get more sales. We're working as the bridge connecting the manufacturers and customers, you can count on us!

Our employees speak both English and Chinese, as the bridge connecting the customers and manufacturers, we offer professional, prompt and seamless service. If you need to change anything to your order or have some questions needed to be answered, we'll just call the manufacturers and get it done for you, you honestly won't be able to get this from some other vendors.

Click here to visit us at The Doll Forum to see what our customers have to say about our service and the prodcuts we sell.

Click here to see the reviews we got from the members on The Doll Forum.

Vendor of the year awards


